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创新助力深圳跨越式发展 专访深圳市委常委、常务副市长许勤
Database: 书籍类
<正>深圳抓自主创新,抓结构调整,使产业得到升级,凭借逆市上扬的高技术产业成为我国经济一大亮点"土地有限,难以为继;资源短缺,难以为继;人口不堪重负,难以为继:环境承载力严重透支,难以为继",这便是2005年初,深圳市委市政 ...
Database: 书籍类
Database: 书籍类
厦门创建文明城市的实践与经验 厦门创建文明城市的实践与经验
Database: 书籍类
Database: 书籍类
Special Economic Zones in India: The Continuity Context
Database: 书籍类
A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that has economic laws that are more liberal than a country's typical economic laws. With a view to overcome the shortcomings experienced on ...
Elaboration and realisation of innovative projects by “Tomskneftekhim” Ltd. and Institute of Catalysis of SB RAS in frames of special economic zone
Database: 书籍类
Special Economic Zones in India: Reconfiguring Displacement in a Neoliberal Order?
Database: 书籍类
In this paper I explore some legal and political strands in the schema of Special Economic Zones in India with specific reference to an immediate fallout of serious concern and contestation—the ...
Migrant workers in the urban labour market of Shenzhen, China
Database: 书籍类
In view of recent changes in both migration patterns and urban labour market conditions, the permanent settlement migration paradigm has become insufficient to guide our understanding of rural-to-urba...
Regulation Effects on Stock Returns in Shanghai and Shenzhen Exchanges
Database: 书籍类
We compare changes of mean and variance of returns as two regulations have changed between 1992 and 2007 in the Chinese exchanges of Shanghai and Shenzhen. Specifically, we compare the implementation ...
Analysis of efficiency for Shenzhen stock market: Evidence from the source of multifractality
Database: 书籍类
This paper extends the work in Wang, Liu and Gu (2009) [Analysis of efficiency for Shenzhen stock market based on multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis. International Review of Financial Analysi...
Special Economic Zones for Rapid Industrialization and Regional Development: Progress and Concerns
Database: 书籍类
The paper analyzes the formally approved, notified, and approved in-principle Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in India in a number of ways for the period 2006 to mid-June 2009. It outlines the differenc...
China’s Investment in African Special Economic Zones: Prospects, Challenges, and Opportunities
Database: 书籍类
China’s recent moves to establish special economic zones (SEZs) in several African countries can make a significant contribution to industrialization in Africa. But the success of these projects...
Variations in ecosystem service value in response to land use changes in Shenzhen
Database: 书籍类
Urban sprawl significantly impacts ecosystem services and functions. The exact impacts, however are difficult to quantify and are often neglected in policy making. The evaluation of ecosystem services...
Technology-based industrial environmental management: a case study of electroplating in Shenzhen, China
Database: 书籍类
Severe industrial pollution has largely hindered the sustainable development of China. Taking Shenzhen’s electroplating industry as a case, this article investigates the current status of the in...
Knowledge problems associated with creating export zones
Database: 书籍类
Although export processing zones (EPZ) have been a part of India’s development strategy since the 1960s, they have not been as successful at promoting exports and job creation as might have been...
Human capital, economic growth, and regional inequality in China
Database: 书籍类
We show how regional growth patterns in China depend on regional differences in physical, human, and infrastructure capital as well as on differences in foreign direct investment (FDI) flows. We also ...
The ‘Instant City’ Coming of Age: Production of Spaces in China's Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
Database: 书籍类
Shenzhen, China's first special economic zone (SEZ), not only heralds the essence and evolution of the PRC's earlier domestic reform and global integration, but also demonstrates how urban spa...
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